Category: October 2021 Sale Sale begins Saturday, October 2, 2021 at 7:00 AM
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Lot 22
Lot 23
Really good built calf that I should have way up in the order. He is square, sound, good looking, and should be good haired. If I was smart enough to count and not lose track, he would be way up in the sale. He will feed well, I think. Has a little bump in his chin and had a small lump, but it is resolved I think. He should get better but it is noticeable.
Lot 24
Lot 25
Lot 26
This more moderate, white footed heifer is a full sibling to the market heifer that Brock showed a couple years ago and one that went to Iowa last year that had huge potential but we lost touch with. The one Brock showed was a stud. This one is sound, flexible, and good bodied. Nice heifer that was not into the picture pen experience.
Lot 27
A little different deal here. A purebred angus heifer who is out of an old cow we bought for our kids. The heifer is good footed, sound, and flexible as you will find. She has a cool build and super easy to look at. Good fronted, really swoopy, and cowy in her middle body. We can get papers on her if you need them.
Lot 28
Lot 29
Lot 30
Sale begins Saturday, October 2, 2021 at 7:00 AM
Join us at Show Cattle Connection
Lot 22
Lot 23

Really good built calf that I should have way up in the order. He is square, sound, good looking, and should be good haired. If I was smart enough to count and not lose track, he would be way up in the sale. He will feed well, I think. Has a little bump in his chin and had a small lump, but it is resolved I think. He should get better but it is noticeable.
Lot 24
Lot 25
Lot 26

This more moderate, white footed heifer is a full sibling to the market heifer that Brock showed a couple years ago and one that went to Iowa last year that had huge potential but we lost touch with. The one Brock showed was a stud. This one is sound, flexible, and good bodied. Nice heifer that was not into the picture pen experience.
Lot 27

A little different deal here. A purebred angus heifer who is out of an old cow we bought for our kids. The heifer is good footed, sound, and flexible as you will find. She has a cool build and super easy to look at. Good fronted, really swoopy, and cowy in her middle body. We can get papers on her if you need them.