Category: October 2020 Sale
Sale begins Oct 3, 2020 at 7:00 AM on Show Cattle Connection
Lot 2

I had to sneak outside of my daughter’s basketball game to buy this cow. Not because it was loud, since fourth grade girls basketball is not really exciting, but so Kali didn’t bust me and shut it down. I got it in my head that I was infact a big enough player to, not only sport bid, but to buy the lead off bred heifer on Rob Vanhove’s sale. Crazy right! Some guy from Durango, CO – “where in the world is that?” a bidder on the Dakota Classic lead off bred heifer. Well I was so ampted about a girls basketball game, that I just stayed outside and bought her. This steer along with lot 31 and 32 heifers are the product of the first flush on that cow. Maybe I’m on to something?
Lot 3

Maybe time to fire up the swather and windrow a champion. This thing is out there, freaky, exotic, hair like Cosmo Kramer, deep heels, and squishy pasterns. His mother produced the Champion Continental at Weld County for Jed Sidwell. I can tell you that when Matt comes through he always looks up from his SnapChat or BookFace long enough to ask what this things mother is. She’s a freak and so is he!
Lot 4

My good friends and helpers, the Halphen family, have made me look like a joker over the last few years. They have a good set of cattle that have basically originated from here. All stuff that I thought I could live without. They have made more excellent steers out of about 15 of my “not favorite” heifers than I can make out of 150 of the ones I was sure I needed to keep for cows. This thing is good. Yeti feet and hair, awesome structure, big hipped, tons of look and presence, and mid-west sized.
Lot 5

This thing is as friendly as any house pet and will eat anything – from buckets of feed to the paint of a panel and the wood off the wall of the shed. Big paws, tubby gut, hair, and more hair. Out of the 210 Whiskey Ground Zero cow that has generated several with big time banners in their picture. Will be surgically dehorned before the sale.
Lot 6
Lot 7

A truly unique one out of my 123 donor. Stout, big paws, and structure like a tiger slinking through the jungle that Carole Baskin would want to release. He’s good haired for a smoke, great looks, and a really good cow behind him. He isn’t real sure about the idea of becoming a loving show steer so a family with some experience is the best fit. Will be surgically dehorned before sale.
Lot 8
Lot 9

Here is a big, stout good feeding one with a great attitude! He is a twin out of one of my good cows, and had the good fortune of staying with his mom all summer! His poor little brother we call “Lightning Bolt” didn’t find a loving mother but he wandered in our yard all summer. We had some luck with a Hawkeye a couple summers ago in the Corn Husker state, so I made some more. Can be ready for an early show if needed, has a first year family temperment, and is good cattle to boot.